Growing Herbs on a Balcony: Your Ultimate Guide to Green Bliss!

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If you’ve been dreaming about growing herbs on a balcony, you’ve come to the right place. It’s easier than you might think, and the rewards are immense. Imagine stepping out onto your balcony and picking fresh mint for your tea or rosemary for your dinner. Sounds great, right? Let’s dive in!

Understanding Your Balcony

First things first, let’s get to know your balcony. Sunlight is the lifeblood of plants, and herbs are no exception.


Take a few days to observe how much sunlight your balcony gets. Is it bathed in sunlight for most of the day, or is it mostly in the shade?

TIP: Take a few days to observe how much sunlight your balcony gets. Is it bathed in sunlight for most of the day, or is it mostly in the shade?

Don’t worry if your balcony doesn’t get a lot of sun. Many herbs can grow in partial shade. However, if your balcony faces south, south-east, or south-west, you’re in luck!

These orientations are perfect for growing herbs on a balcony. But hey, don’t fret if your balcony faces another direction.

I’ve seen herbs thrive in less-than-ideal conditions. It’s all about choosing the right plants and giving them a little extra care.

Choosing the Right Herbs

Choosing the right herbs for your balcony garden is a delightful task that combines your personal preferences with a bit of practicality.

You want to select herbs that you’ll use regularly, but also ones that will thrive in your specific balcony conditions.

Let’s break it down a bit more.

Consider Your Culinary Preferences

First and foremost, think about what you love to cook or what scents you enjoy.

Are you a fan of Mediterranean cuisine? Then herbs like basil, oregano, and rosemary should be on your list. Do you love making homemade teas or cocktails? Mint, lemon balm, or chamomile could be perfect for you.

I remember when I first started my balcony herb garden, I was so excited that I planted every herb I could find. But over time, I realized I wasn’t using half of them. Now, I stick to the herbs I know I’ll use regularly in my kitchen.

Assess Your Balcony Conditions

Next, consider the conditions of your balcony. Some herbs love the sun and need several hours of it each day, while others prefer a bit of shade.

For instance, herbs like rosemary, thyme, and oregano love the sun and are perfect for south-facing balconies. On the other hand, herbs like mint and parsley can tolerate some shade.

Also, consider the size of your balcony and the space each herb needs to grow. Some herbs, like dill and fennel, can grow quite tall and might not be the best fit for a small balcony.

Others, like thyme and oregano, are more compact and perfect for small spaces.

Think About Maintenance

Lastly, think about how much time and effort you’re willing to put into maintaining your herbs. Some herbs are easier to care for than others.

For example, rosemary and thyme are pretty low maintenance – they don’t need much water and can tolerate a bit of neglect.

On the other hand, herbs like basil and cilantro need regular watering and a bit more attention.

Spotlight on Balcony-Friendly Herb Varieties

Herbs that grow well on a balcony

When it comes to growing herbs on a balcony, some varieties are particularly well-suited to this environment.

Best Herbs to Grow on a Balcony

HerbSunlight RequirementWatering RequirementGrowth PatternSpecial Notes
BasilFull SunRegularBushyGreat for pesto and salads
MintPartial ShadeRegularSpreadingCan be invasive, best in its own pot
RosemaryFull SunModerateUprightLow maintenance, aromatic
ThymeFull SunModerateCompactLow maintenance, great for small spaces
ParsleyPartial ShadeRegularBushyVersatile in cooking
OreganoFull SunModerateCompactGreat for Italian and Greek cuisine
ChivesFull SunRegularCompactAdds a mild onion flavor to dishes

Here’s a closer look at a few of them:


Basil is a fantastic choice for a balcony herb garden. It’s relatively easy to grow, and there’s nothing quite like the smell of fresh basil in the summer.

Plus, it’s incredibly versatile in the kitchen, perfect for everything from basil pesto to Caprese salad.

TIP: You can grow basil from seed then propagate more basil plants from cuttings.

Basil loves the sun, so place it in a spot where it will get plenty of light.


Mint is another excellent choice for balcony gardens. It’s hardy, grows quickly, and can tolerate a bit of shade. Plus, it’s perfect for adding a fresh twist to drinks or dishes.

But be careful, mint is known for its vigorous growth, so it’s best to keep it in its own pot to prevent it from taking over.


Rosemary is a hardy herb that’s perfect for growing on a balcony. It loves the sun and doesn’t require a lot of water, making it a relatively low-maintenance choice.

Plus, its aromatic leaves are a great addition to a variety of dishes.


Thyme is a small, low-growing herb that’s perfect for small spaces like balconies. It’s also a hardy plant that doesn’t require a lot of care.

Thyme loves the sun, so place it in a spot where it will get plenty of light. Its small, aromatic leaves are perfect for adding flavor to dishes.


Parsley is a versatile herb that’s relatively easy to grow on a balcony. It can tolerate some shade, so it’s a good choice if your balcony doesn’t get a lot of sun.

Plus, it’s a great herb to have on hand for cooking, perfect for adding a fresh touch to a variety of dishes.


Since it’s a low-growing plant that spreads out as it grows, oregano is perfect for growing in pots or containers. Plus, its aromatic leaves are a staple in Italian and Greek cuisine.

Just like thyme and rosemary, oregano is a low-maintenance herb, making it a great choice for beginner gardeners.


Chives are another great choice for a balcony herb garden. They’re hardy, easy to grow, and don’t require a lot of space. Plus, they add a mild onion flavor to dishes.

Remember, the key to a successful balcony herb garden is choosing herbs that you love and will use regularly. So, consider your cooking habits and personal preferences when selecting herbs for your garden.

Growing Herbs on a Balcony: A Step-by-Step Guide


Starting a balcony herb garden is a rewarding project that brings a touch of nature to your home. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started.

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies

Before you start, gather all the supplies you’ll need. This includes pots with good drainage, potting soil, and your chosen herb plants or seeds.

You might also want to get a watering can and some water soluble fertilizer.

Step 2: Prepare Your Pots

Before adding soil to your pots, consider adding a layer of small rocks or pebbles at the bottom. This improves drainage and prevents the roots from sitting in water.

Next, fill your pots with potting soil, leaving some space at the top for your plants.

Step 3: Plant Your Herbs

Now comes the fun part – planting your herbs! If you’re using plants, dig a hole in the soil large enough to accommodate the root ball.

Place the plant in the hole and cover the roots with soil, pressing gently to secure it.

If you’re using seeds, follow the instructions on the seed packet for planting depth and spacing.

Step 4: Water Your Herbs

After planting, give your herbs a good drink of water. Be careful not to overwater, though.

I learned this the hard way when I drowned my first batch of basil plants.

A good rule of thumb is to water until you see water coming out of the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot.

Step 5: Place Your Pots in the Right Spot

Finally, place your pots in a spot on your balcony where they’ll get the right amount of sunlight.

Most herbs love the sun, so a sunny spot is usually a good choice. However, if your balcony is partially shaded, choose a spot that gets the most light.

Maintaining Your Balcony Herb Garden

Once your herbs are planted, it’s all about maintenance. Regular watering, occasional fertilizing, and a bit of pruning will keep your herbs happy and healthy.

Keep an eye out for any signs of disease or pests. Yellowing leaves, spots, or chewed edges are all signs that something’s up.

If you notice any of these, don’t panic! Most problems can be solved with a bit of troubleshooting.

And remember, whether planting in the ground or setting up an herb garden for apartment balcony, every gardener has faced these issues at some point. It’s all part of the journey!

Harvesting and Using Your Herbs


The best part about growing herbs on a balcony is getting to use them!

Most herbs can be harvested as soon as they have enough foliage to maintain growth. Simply snip off what you need with a pair of scissors.

Using your herbs is where the real fun begins. Fresh rosemary on roasted potatoes, mint in your mojito, or basil on your homemade pizza – the possibilities are endless.

And trust me, once you’ve tasted the difference fresh herbs make, you’ll never go back to store-bought.


So there you have it, your beginner’s guide to growing herbs on a balcony. It’s a fun, rewarding project that brings a bit of nature to your home and fresh flavors to your kitchen.

And remember, gardening is a journey, not a destination. You’ll learn as you go, and that’s part of the fun. So, why not give it a shot? Your balcony herb garden awaits! Happy gardening!

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FAQ: Growing Herbs on a Balcony

What herbs should not be potted together?

Mint should not be potted with other herbs due to its invasive nature. It tends to overtake the pot, depriving other herbs of space and nutrients.

Do herbs need deep pots?

Most herbs do not require deep pots. A pot that is 6 to 12 inches deep is usually sufficient. However, some herbs like dill and fennel, which have longer root systems, may benefit from deeper pots.

Can you leave potted herbs outside in winter?

In colder climates, most potted herbs should be brought indoors for the winter. However, hardy herbs like rosemary and thyme may survive outside if properly insulated.

How do you keep potted herbs alive in the winter?

To keep potted herbs alive in winter, bring them indoors before the first frost. Place them near a sunny window and reduce watering since they’ll grow more slowly in cooler conditions.

What are the disadvantages of balcony gardening?

Balcony gardening can be limited by space, sunlight, and regulations from landlords or building management. Additionally, plants on balconies may be more exposed to wind and weather extremes.

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