Best Tomatoes for Containers: Delicious Tomatoes in Small Spaces

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Do you dream of growing juicy, ripe tomatoes, but only have a small balcony or patio? Don’t worry! With the right tomato varieties and some simple tips, you can successfully grow tomatoes in containers, no matter how small your gardening space is. In this article, we will explore the best tomatoes for containers, provide practical tips, and offer solutions to common problems that may arise.

Why Grow Tomatoes in Containers?

Growing tomatoes in containers is a popular choice for many gardeners, and for good reason! There are several advantages to growing tomatoes in containers, especially if you have limited space. Here are some reasons why container gardening can be a great option for growing tomatoes:

  1. Flexibility: Containers give you the flexibility to move your tomato plants around, depending on the amount of sunlight they need, or to take them indoors during colder months. You can easily rearrange your garden to optimize the growing conditions for your tomatoes.
  2. Space-saving: Containers allow you to grow tomatoes in small spaces, such as balconies, patios, or even windowsills. You don’t need a large garden plot to enjoy fresh tomatoes!
  3. Pest control: Growing tomatoes in containers can help reduce the risk of pests and diseases that may be present in the soil of a traditional garden plot. You have more control over the growing medium and can minimize the risk of infestations.
  4. Aesthetic appeal: Container gardening can add beauty and aesthetic appeal to your outdoor space. You can choose decorative containers that match your personal style and enhance the overall appearance of your garden.

Now that we’ve discussed the benefits, let’s explore the best tomatoes for containers.

10 Best Tomatoes for Containers


Choosing the right tomato variety is crucial for successful container gardening. Some tomato varieties are better suited for growing in containers than others, as they have certain characteristics that make them more adaptable to the limited space of a container. Here are some of the best tomatoes for containers:

Tiny Tim‘ – Another determinate variety, Tiny Tim grows only 12-18 inches tall, making them one of the best tomatoes for containers. It’s a great option for hanging baskets or small pots. Despite its small stature, it produces sweet cherry tomatoes that are perfect for snacking.

50 Tiny Tim Tomato Seeds – Patio Tomato, Dwarf Heirloom, Cherry Tomato – by RDR Seeds
  • Dwarf plant does not grow very large, usually only about 12″, though it can sometimes get taller

Patio Princess’ – This compact determinate tomato variety is perfect for small containers, producing juicy and flavorful fruits. Its small size makes it ideal for patio gardens or balcony gardens where space is limited.

Window Box Roma‘ – If you have a window box or a small container, Window Box Roma is a great choice. This compact determinate Roma tomato variety is specifically bred for growing in containers and produces meaty, flavorful fruits.

Better Bush‘ – Better Bush is a determinate variety that produces medium-sized, flavorful fruits and is suitable for small to medium-sized containers. It is known for its disease resistance and compact growth habit, making it a popular choice for container gardening.

Park Seed Better Bush Hybrid Tomato Seeds, Pack of 30 Seeds
  • ISI (indeterminate short-internodes). If you’re looking for an old-fashioned-flavored tomato with the juiciness and distinctive “tang” you remember from vine-fresh tomatoes of the past, Better Bush…

Tumbling Tom‘ – If you’re looking for a trailing cherry tomato variety, Tumbling Tom is a great option. This determinate tomato variety cascades over the edges of containers, making it perfect for hanging baskets or tall pots, adding a unique visual appeal to your container garden.

Tumbling Tom Red Cherry Tomato Plant 2.5″ Pot – Great in Baskets or Pots
  • Tumbling Tom Red Cherry Tomato Plant 2.5″ Pot – Great in Baskets or Pots

Yellow Canary‘ – For a pop of color in your container garden, consider Yellow Canary. This determinate cherry tomato variety produces yellow fruits, adding a vibrant and cheerful touch to your patio or balcony.

Lizzano‘ – Lizzano is a compact and disease-resistant determinate variety that produces an abundance of cherry tomatoes, making it a great choice for containers and hanging baskets. It is known for its resistance to common tomato diseases, making it a low-maintenance option for container gardeners.

Celebrity‘ – Celebrity is a determinate variety that produces large, flavorful fruits and is suitable for medium-sized containers or grow bags. It is known for its disease resistance and consistent yields, making it a reliable choice for container gardening.

Burpee ‘Celebrity’ Hybrid Red Tomato Slicer 35 Non-GMO Seeds for Planting Disease-Resistant and…
  • DETERMINATE TOMATO: Superb disease resistance and produce huge yields on determinate vines, beginning about 70 days after transplanting into the outdoor garden. Bred to thrive, these seeds produce…

BushSteak‘ – This compact determinate variety is known for its meaty, flavorful fruits and is ideal for small to medium-sized containers. BushSteak is a popular choice among container gardeners for its compact growth habit and abundant harvests which make it one of the best tomatoes for containers.

Burpee ‘BushSteak’ Hybrid, Red Beefsteak Slicing Tomato, 40 Non-GMO Seeds
  • DETERMINATE TOMATO PLANT: A surprisingly compact plant, loaded with flavorful tomatoes. Fresh harvest in about 65 days after transplanting into the outdoor garden! Bred to thrive, these seeds produce…

Sweetheart of the Patio‘ – As the name suggests, Sweetheart of the Patio is a determinate variety that is specifically bred for container gardening. It produces sweet, red fruits and is known for its compact size, making it perfect for patio gardens or other small spaces.

Burpee ‘Sweetheart of the Patio’, Red Cherry Tomato, 10 Non-GMO Seeds
  • SEMI-DETERMINATE TOMATO: A compact plant, loaded with flavorful tomatoes. Harvest in about 68 daysafter transplanting into the outdoor garden! Bred to thrive, these seeds produce healthy 30″ tall…

Although the varieties listed here are some of the best suited tomatoes for containers, you can actually grow any type if you use the proper sized containers.

Tips for Growing the Best Tomatoes in Containers


Now that you’ve chosen the best tomato variety for your container garden, here are some tips to help you grow healthy and productive tomato plants:

1. Choose the right container

The size and type of container you choose can greatly impact the growth and health of your tomato plants. Choose a container that is large enough to accommodate the root system of your tomato variety and has drainage holes to allow excess water to escape. Avoid using containers that are too small, as they can restrict root growth and lead to stunted plants. Consider using grow bags or pots made of durable materials, such as plastic, ceramic, or clay, that can withstand the elements and provide proper insulation for the roots.

2. Use quality potting mix when growing the best tomatoes for containers

The type of potting soil you use is crucial for the success of your container garden. Choose a high-quality potting mix that is specifically formulated for container gardening, as it will provide the necessary nutrients, aeration, and drainage for your tomato plants. Avoid using garden soil or topsoil in containers, as they can become compacted and limit root growth. Adding organic matter, such as compost or well-rotted manure, to your potting mix can also improve its fertility and moisture retention.

3. Provide adequate sunlight

Tomatoes need plenty of sunlight to thrive and produce fruit. Choose a sunny spot for your container garden that receives at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day. If you don’t have access to a sunny spot, consider using reflective materials, such as mirrors or white walls, to redirect sunlight to your tomato plants. You can also use grow lights if you are growing tomatoes indoors or in a location with limited sunlight.

4. Water appropriately

Proper watering is essential for healthy tomato plants. Container-grown tomatoes require more frequent watering compared to tomatoes grown in the ground, as containers tend to dry out faster. Water your tomato plants regularly, keeping the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Avoid letting the soil dry out completely or allowing water to sit in the saucer for too long, as this can lead to root rot or other diseases. To check if your tomato plants need watering, stick your finger about an inch into the soil. If it feels dry at that depth, it’s time to water. Water your tomato plants at the base, avoiding overhead watering, as it can lead to foliar diseases.


5. Provide support

Some tomato varieties, especially indeterminate ones, require support to keep their vines upright and prevent them from sprawling all over your container garden. Use stakes, cages, or trellises to support your tomato plants and help them grow vertically. This not only saves space but also improves air circulation around the plants, reducing the risk of diseases. Be sure to provide support early in the growth stage of your tomato plants to avoid damaging the roots later on.

6. Fertilize regularly

Container-grown tomatoes rely on you for their nutrients, so it’s important to fertilize them regularly. Choose a high-quality organic tomato fertilizer, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application rates and frequency. Avoid over-fertilizing, as it can lead to excessive foliage growth and reduced fruit production. You can also consider using organic fertilizers, such as compost, worm castings, or fish emulsion, to provide natural nutrients to your tomato plants.

7. Keep an eye on pests and diseases

Just like tomatoes grown in the ground, container-grown tomatoes are susceptible to pests and diseases. Keep a close eye on your tomato plants for any signs of pest infestation, such as aphids, whiteflies, or tomato hornworms. If you notice any pests, remove them by hand or use organic or chemical pesticides as needed. Also, keep an eye out for signs of diseases, such as powdery mildew, blight, or wilt. If you notice any disease symptoms, promptly remove affected leaves or plants to prevent further spread.

8. Prune for optimal growth

Pruning can help promote better air circulation, reduce the risk of diseases, and improve fruit production in tomato plants. Remove suckers, which are the small shoots that develop in the crotch between the main stem and branches, as they can compete for nutrients and limit fruit production. Also, remove any yellowing or diseased leaves to prevent the spread of diseases. You can use sharp pruners or simply pinch off the suckers and leaves with your fingers.

TIP: If you grow heirloom varieties, be sure and save tomato seeds to plant next year!

Common Problems: Best Tomatoes for Containers

As with any gardening endeavor, growing tomatoes in containers may come with its share of challenges, including pests and diseases. However, with proper care and vigilance, you can prevent or manage these issues to ensure a healthy and thriving tomato crop in your containers.

AphidsTiny, soft-bodied insects clustered on leaves, stems, or buds. Causes wilting, yellowing, and curling of leaves.Spray with insecticidal soap or neem oil. Introduce beneficial insects like ladybugs or lacewings.
Tomato hornwormsLarge, green caterpillars with horn-like structures on their tail. Causes defoliation and fruit damage.Handpick and destroy the caterpillars. Use Bacillus thuringiensis (BT) insecticide.
Fusarium wiltYellowing, wilting, and death of lower leaves. Stunted growth and yellowing of upper leaves. Brown discoloration of vascular tissue in stem.Remove infected plants. Plant resistant tomato varieties. Rotate crops.
Verticillium wiltYellowing, wilting, and death of lower leaves. Brown discoloration of vascular tissue in stem.Remove infected plants. Plant resistant tomato varieties. Rotate crops.
Early blightDark, concentric rings on leaves. Leaves turn yellow, wither, and die.Remove infected leaves. Apply fungicides containing chlorothalonil or copper. Rotate crops.
Late blightWater-soaked spots on leaves, stems, and fruits. Fuzzy white mold on undersides of leaves.Remove infected plants. Apply fungicides containing copper or mancozeb. Avoid overhead watering.
Blossom end rotBrown, sunken spots at the blossom end of fruits.Ensure consistent and even watering. Add calcium to the soil. Avoid over-fertilization.

TIP: Companion plant basil with your tomatoes for natural pest control.

By being proactive in pest control, disease prevention, and disease management, you can protect your container tomatoes and ensure a healthy and fruitful harvest. More detailed information about tomato pests and diseases.


Growing tomatoes in containers can be a rewarding and enjoyable gardening experience. With the right tomato variety, proper care, and attention, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of delicious homegrown tomatoes even in small spaces. Remember to choose the best tomato varieties for containers, provide them with the right growing conditions, and be vigilant in caring for them. By following these tips and techniques, you can have a successful and thriving tomato container garden that will be the envy of your friends and neighbors.

Now, it’s your turn! Share your own experiences, tips, and tricks for growing tomatoes in containers in the comments below. Let’s grow the best tomatoes for containers together!

FAQ: Best Tomatoes for Containers

Do tomatoes prefer deep or wide pots?

Tomatoes generally prefer deep pots rather than wide pots. Deep pots allow for better root development and help the plant establish a strong root system. A pot that is at least 12-18 inches deep is recommended for most tomato varieties, including those grown in containers.

What are the signs of overwatering tomato plants?

Signs of overwatering in tomato plants include yellowing and wilting leaves, mold or fungus growth on the soil surface, and a foul smell coming from the container. Overwatering can lead to root rot and other diseases, so it’s important to avoid excessive watering and allow the soil to dry slightly between waterings.

Which leaves to remove on tomato plants?

It’s recommended to remove the lower leaves on tomato plants, especially the ones that touch the ground or are showing signs of disease or damage. This helps improve air circulation around the plant, prevents soil-borne diseases, and redirects energy to upper leaves and fruit production. Leave at least a few healthy leaves at the top of the plant for photosynthesis.

Are tomatoes best grown in grow bags or pots?

Both bags and pots can be used for growing tomatoes, but they have different advantages. Grow bags are lightweight, portable, and provide excellent drainage, while pots are more stable and can hold moisture better. The bags are ideal for indeterminate tomato varieties that require frequent moving or for gardeners with limited space, while pots are suitable for determinate varieties or for those who prefer a more traditional container gardening approach.

What size container for beefsteak tomatoes?

Beefsteak tomatoes require a large container with a minimum size of 5 gallons, but ideally, a 10-gallon or larger container is recommended. This allows for proper root development and provides enough space for the plant to grow and produce abundant fruits.

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